
Join us in making a difference ! Our campaign is powered by the dedication of volunteers like you. Together, we can create a community where every child has equal opportunities.

Register to Voter

Register to vote and make your voice count! We believed in inclusivity, supporting voting rights restoration for individuals with past felonies. Join our campaign for a community that values every voice- register today and be apart of the change!


Fuel the change with your contribution! Your donation empowers us to reach more voters, advocate for inclusive polices, and create a community where opportinutes are accessible to all. Every dollar counts in building a brighter future together. Support our campaign today- donate and invest in the positive transformation that we’re working towards !

Since my appointment to the Learning Community Board, my impact has been transformative, driving positive change and fostering community connections. Here are my contributions:

  • Appointed to Board Secretary - As board secretary I ensure transparency and effective governance.

  • Diverse Involvement- Engaging in the Leglistaive Committee, ELD Committee, and the Executive Committee, I’ve actively shaped impactful policies and initiatives.

  • Strategic Leadership in CEO transition - Assisted with on boarding the interim CEO and am actively involved in ensuring a smooth transition for the organization.

  • Parent University Enrollment Surge- Parent University continues to increase showing our commitment to empowering families.

  • Strengthened Community Partnerships- I have played a crucial role in creating collaborative connections with community parents to amplify our impact.

  • Enhanced Community Accessibility- I’ve ensured that the Learning Community’s presences at more community events, facilitating increased engagement and outreach.

  • Elevated Recognition- Through strategic efforts, I’ve not only increased awareness but also garnered recognition for the center and its vital contributions to our community.